Determining The Cause Of Back Pain - What You Can Do About It

Are you searching for the origin of your back pain? In this report, we will present information that will help you find some explanations. The fact is, however, that this is a symptom that has a great many causes, and sometimes it takes medical tests to be certain. Knowing the cause of your back pain isn't always enough to stop it, but it can at least lead you in the right direction.

Sometimes what causes our back pain is obvious. If you moved some heavy furniture the day before and woke up with a backache, you can be pretty sure of what happened. You should definitely see your doctor if your back continues to hurt and the pain will not dissipate. When you go to the doctor, they will have you do certain tests that will determine why you are suffering. To find out what is wrong, CT scans may be taken. These are a series of x-rays taken at different angles. Your area of discomfort may also be determined by using what is called an MRI scan. One real common cause of back pain is a spinal fracture. Osteoporosis - a reduction of your bone mass - weakens your bones and can lead to spinal fractures. Women, especially premenopausal women, are more apt to suffer bone mass loss useful source than men. However, men and women are both susceptible to osteoporosis as they get older. The decrease in the bone mass causes the bones to become thinner and more brittle. This makes it easier for the bones to become damaged. A very painful condition exists when you sustain an injury that causes your bones to collapse. Many times this also leads to spinal deformation. Pain medication is useful, and will usually be prescribed by your doctor. Nonetheless, in order to keep the fractured bones in place, surgery may be required. There is evidence that regular exercise and a healthy diet can reference reduce the severity of osteoporosis and help prevent spinal fractures.

Pregnancy often causes low back pain, due to increased pressure caused by the baby. It is a known scientific fact that certain hormones that a woman Find Out More has during pregnancy can adversely affect her vertebrae. Back pain of this type can actually be remedied to some degree with exercises that can help in these specific areas. These exercises can be learned from your medical doctor or from a professional that offers courses that specifically teach these exercises. Maintaining regular exercise within sensible limits can often reduce back pain and other painful symptoms of pregnancy.

With so many causes of back pain, it can be hard for even doctors to diagnose patients in every case. Perhaps you lifted a heavy box and the result was back pain. In that instance, it's pretty easy to determine the cause for the pain. In other situations, the reason isn't always as evident. Many different situations can lead to back pain. We've only addressed a few in this report.

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